Flight Safety

The critical technologies described here are designed to ensure aircraft safety by avoiding or preventing problems that may cause an accident.

Airframe Ice Suppression Technology

Ice on an aircraft in flight may endanger the aircraft. Thus, the parts of the airframe where ice could cause problems are equipped with an anti-icing/deicing device, which both prevents ice from forming and removes any ice that has formed.
KHI predicts how ice forms on the engine intake, wings and other parts and the anti-icing performance through simulations.

Simulation of ice attachment on each section

Blade Containment Analysis for Jet Engines

If a high-speed rotating part in a jet engine (such as a fan, compressor or a turbine blade) breaks due to a defect, the broken pieces must not penetrate the casing and exit the other side. The ability of the casing to prevent this is referred to as its containment capability.
The casing must be strong enough to satisfy the containment requirement without increasing its weight any more than necessary.
KHI first checks the casing strength in advance by conducting simulations during the design phase and then performs verification tests to confirm that they would not be penetrated.

Blade containment analysis

Result of blade containment analysis