Initial registration: 2015


Reduced power consumption and improved ride stability with world’s first use of lightweight
CFRP leaf springs in a bogie

Weight reduction of about one ton per car lowers running costs, such as electricity and maintenance expenses, and cuts CO2 emissions. Noise and vibration are also minimized.
Product Description
A next-generation rolling stock bogie, the efWING features the world’s first application of CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic) in a bogie frame and also integrates the function of coil spring suspension into the enhanced frame design
Special Features
- · Dramatic reduction in weight (about 500kg per bogie compared with existing bogies), which leads to lower running costs
- · Enhanced safety and ride comfort (Running test performed at Transportation Technology Center, Inc., in the United States, with confirmed improvement in safety)
- · Lighter weight reduces load on tracks, which then minimizes incidence of track irregularity, vibration and noise