Environmental Risk Management & Compliance with Laws and Regulations
Risk Management
In addition to approaches based on our risk management structures, we hold liaison conferences as needed for personnel with environmental responsibilities to ensure adherence to environmental laws and regulations, the dissemination and full understanding of legal revisions, and the enhancement of their capabilities. These conferences, which are held under the direction of the Head Office Environmental Management Division, serve as opportunities for working with Group personnel to preempt environmental accidents and other compliance-related problems.
In recent years, we have implemented initiatives in response to laws and regulations related to chemical substances, such as the European Union’s ELV Directive,1 RoHS Directive,2 and REACH Regulation,3 as well as the Euro 4 regulation on motorcycle exhaust emissions.
In fiscal 2021, as there were no revisions to relevant laws, we did not implement any new risk countermeasures.
*1 ELV Directive: End of Life Vehicles Directive
*2 RoHS Directive: Directive on Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment
*3 REACH Regulation: Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
Compliance with Laws and Regulations
The Kawasaki Group strives to implement environmental management activities in compliance with environmental laws and regulations.
In fiscal 2021, there were no serious incidents involving legal violations, however, there was an incident at Harima Works in which transport truck fuel (diesel fuel) leaked and partially flowed into the ocean. After collecting the fuel on the pavement and deploying an oil fence in the ocean to prevent secondary diffusion along with treating each catch basin by spraying oil dispersants, the incident was resolved with reports being made to the fishery cooperative and the authorities. Regarding this incident, there was no administrative guidance or complaints from neighboring plants, local residents, or elsewhere.
Meanwhile, we received two complaints from residents of neighboring communities about noise from our manufacturing facilities as well as two complaints about odor leakages from our manufacturing facilities, totaling four complaints. They were all resolved by taking corrective and preventative measures.
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