Dual-Arm SCARA Robot: duAro
Initial registration: 2016

Easy-to-implement, energy-saving robot that also contributes to resource savings in building a system

The duAro boasts excellent mechanical efficiency and contributes to energy-saving operations across a wide spectrum of applications. Safety features, which facilitate side-by-side work with humans, and two-arm flexibility help to reuse, simplify and reduce peripheral components, such as safety fences, tools and work jigs, thereby contributing to reduced use of resources in building a system.
Product Description
New concept dual-arm SCARA robot easily enables robots to execute tasks performed by humans.
Special Features
- · Human-sized, dual-arm SCARA robot where 2 coaxial arms and single controller are integrated
- · Easy installation, thanks to structure where arms are on the car
- · Safety features that allow people to work nearby
- · Dual-arm, cooperative movement facilitates simplification of jigs and tools
- · Easy teaching by operation through tablet and direct teaching