Stakeholder Engagement

The Kawasaki Group Stakeholders

To become a company that continues contributing to society, the Kawasaki Group actively strives to understand the expectations and requests of stakeholders and to realize them through our business activities.
 While the Group positions customers, shareholders and investors, suppliers, employees, local communities, and government agencies as direct stakeholders, as a company supplying many products and services that are highly public in nature and will be used over a long period of time, we also recognize the global environment, the international community, and the next generation and future society to be stakeholders in the broader sense and conduct our corporate activities in consideration of the wide-ranging impact of our business.
 In response to requests from stakeholders, we are working toward proactive information disclosure and striving to improve communication so as to enhance trust in the Kawasaki Group.

Communication with Stakeholders

Through our daily business activities, the Kawasaki Group endeavors to communicate with stakeholders in various ways, grasp issues, and make operational improvements. As a result of dialogue, we refer content that is deemed to be important to committees or other bodies concerned and reflect it in management strategy and business operations.

Major Results of Communication with Stakeholders

Stakeholders Communication objectives Major communication opportunities and approaches Reference
  • Creation of products and services that meet customer expectations
  • Response to customer complaints and inquiries
  • Appropriate disclosure of product and service information
  • Conducting customer satisfaction surveys
  • Television commercials, newspaper advertisements, and websites
  • Providing product safety information

Customer Relationship Management
Recall Information (Japanese only)

  • Timely and appropriate information disclosure
  • Reflection of shareholder and investor perspectives in management
  • Conducting the General Meeting of Shareholders
  • Conducting conferences on financial results
  • Conducting IR meetings with institutional investors
  • Conducting exclusive tours for shareholders

Disclosure Policy

  • Solid partnerships with our suppliers based on relationships of mutual trust
  • Enhancement of supply chain risk management and enterprise value through sustainable procurement
  • Conducting training programs, liaison meetings, and other events for suppliers in Japan
  • Conducting the sustainable procurement survey

Working with Suppliers

  • Employee-friendly workplaces
  • Effective use of human resources
  • Appropriate treatment of human resources
  • Ensuring occupational safety and hygiene and promoting health
  • Information disclosure on the K-Portal intranet
  • Education and training for employees
  • Publication of the internal bulletin
  • Implementing the employee engagement survey

Human Resource Management
Human Resource Development
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Occupational Safety, Hygiene, and Health

Local Communities
  • Fulfillment of our responsibilities as a corporate citizen
  • Participation in communities
  • Organizing events for the local community
  • Support activities for sports/arts and culture
  • Conclusion of agreements for times of disasters with local communities
  • Conducting on-site classes for the handicraft and experiment courses

Social Contribution Activities
Contribution to Local Communities
Support for the Next Generation

  • Compliance with laws and regulations
  • Policy proposals
  • Participation in industry/government/academia projects
  • Participation in business groups and industry associations
  • Participation in public-private joint development and projects

Open Innovation
External Affairs Activities Concerning Climate Change


If you need more information about our business,
please feel free to contact us.