Kawasaki Hydrogen Road

Paving the way for a hydrogen-based society

Kawasaki Vision for the Future

Today, our society is mostly dependent for energy on fossil fuels such as petroleum or natural gas.
This is causing the serious environmental problem of global warming and the risk of natural resource depletion. “Hydrogen Energy” offers a solution for securing a stable energy supply and the preservation of the global environment.

Hydrogen has been referred to as the “Ultimate Clean Energy.” It can be used like petroleum as fuel to power automobiles, and like natural gas to generate electricity.
Besides, unlike fossil fuels, hydrogen does not emit carbon dioxide when combusted to produce energy.
We will be able to continue to drive cars and use electricity with hydrogen.
Our daily lives will not change. But thanks to hydrogen energy, our society can be changed dramatically.

Through hydrogen energy, Kawasaki hopes to bring a new future to the people of the world.
This initiative, which draws on the integrated capabilities of the whole Kawasaki Group, has already started.


Kawasaki Starts Construction of a Demonstration Facility for the World's First Centrifugal Hydrogen Compressor for Hydrogen Liquefaction Plants
Kawasaki’s ongoing commitment in the commercial scale project of production and transportation of li...
HySE to participate in the Dakar 2025 “Mission 1000 ACT 2” with the HySE-X2, to tackle further techn...
Kawasaki is exhibiting at “HYDROGEN Technology EXPO EUROPE 2024”
Airbus, Kansai Airports, Kawasaki Heavy Industries to accelerate readiness of hydrogen aircraft ope... (PDF:119.5K)
Kawasaki Successfully Completes Small, Hydrogen-fueled Aircraft Engine Test
Kawasaki and CB&I Sign a Strategic Collaborative Agreement for Promoting Commercial-Use Liquefie... (PDF:267.3K)
Kawasaki will be exhibiting at “ASIA-PACIFIC HYDROGEN 2024 SUMMIT & EXHIBITION”
Kawasaki Successfully Completes Japan’s First Operational Test Run with Thirty-percent-hydrogen Mixe...
World’s First Public Demonstration Run of a Hydrogen Engine Motorcycle by a Mass-Production Motorcyc...
Kawasaki will be exhibiting at “Global Energy Transition Congress and Exhibition”
Daimler Truck and Kawasaki Heavy Industries sign MoU to jointly study the optimization of liquefied ... (PDF:280.3K)
Kawasaki will be exhibiting at “HYDROGEN AMERICAS 2024 SUMMIT & EXHIBITION”
Kawasaki will be exhibiting at “WORLD HYDROGEN 2024 SUMMIT & EXHIBITION”
GPB17MMX 1.8 MW Class Hydrogen Gas Turbine Wins Hydrogen Technology of the Year 2024 at Connecting Green Hydrogen MENA 2024.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries and Symbio Sign Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Development of Fuel Cell Systems(PDF:117.5K)
Kawasaki to Start Demonstration Tests for “Suiso Platform” that Visualizes Hydrogen Distribution and Supports Hydrogen Trading
Kawasaki and Three Other Engineering Firms Sign Agreement for Liquefied Hydrogen Supply Chain FEED (PDF:649.5K )
Kawasaki Proves Excellent Thermal-insulation Performance for Liquefied Hydrogen Storage Tanks
INPEX to Acquire Shares in Japan Suiso Energy to Build International Liquefied Hydrogen Supply Chain (PDF:132.9K )
Hydrogen-fueled Vessel Wins AiP Towards Demonstration Operation(PDF:566.9K)
Kawasaki and Resonac Conclude “Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Development of Hydrogen Power Generation Business in KawasakiArea”(PDF:223.3K)
Three Japanese Shipping Companies Partner to Establish Global Liquefied Hydrogen Supply Chain(JSE)
Technological Development of Cargo Tank for Large Liquefied Hydrogen Carriers Completed
Memorandum of Understanding with DNV, a Third-Party Certification Body, for Collaborative Work to Visualize CO2 Emissions in the International Liquefied Hydrogen Supply Chain
Ministerial Approval Granted to Form Research Body “HySE” for Development of Hydrogen Small Mobility Engines to Help Build Decarbonized Society
Liquefied Hydrogen Supply Chain Commercialization Demonstration Project selects sites for shipping and receiving liquefied clean hydrogen Aiming to achieve hydrogen supply cost of 30 JPY/Nm3 in 2030
Kawasaki Receives First Order for Modification of Gas Turbine for Hydrogen Mixed Fuel Combustion
World’s First AiP Granted to Kawasaki’s 2.4 MW Class Dual Fuel Generator Engine Using Hydrogen Gas as Fuel
Kawasaki Gas Turbine Europe GmbH wins the INNOVATION AWARD OF THE GERMAN GAS INDUSTRY 2022
Kawasaki’s First Electric and Hybrid Motorcycles on Display as Kawasaki Reveals Carbon Neutrality Plans at EICMA
Kawasaki Commences Sales of Thirty-percent-hydrogen Mixed-fuel DLE Combustor for 30 MW Class Gas Turbines
Hydrogen Transported from Australia Used for Hydrogen Power Generation~The hydrogen production, transportation, storage, and utilization are seamlessly connected into an integrated supply chain~ (PDF:584.6 KB)
Kawasaki Completes World’s First Basic Engineering Works for Hydrogen Marine Main Boiler
Kawasaki Obtains AIP for Large, 160,000㎥ Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier
Airbus, Kawasaki Heavy Industries partner to study use of hydrogen in Japan
HySTRA celebrates completion of world’s first liquefied hydrogen vessel voyage in Japan (PDF:1.2M )
Dawn of Australia’s Hydrogen Industry - Arrival of the World’s First Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier, the SUISO FRONTIER, in Victoria (PDF:207.5K )
The SUISO FRONTIER commences its maiden voyage to Australia, marking the start of the World's First Demonstration of International Transporation of Large Volume Liquefied Hydrogen (HySTRA)
One of The World's First 100% Hydrogen-to-Power Demonstrations on Industrial Scale Launches in Lingen, Germany
Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier -SUISO FRONTIER- Receives Classification from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Subaru, Toyota, Mazda, and Yamaha Take on Challenge to Expand Options for Producing, Transporting, and Using Fuel Toward Achieving Carbon Neutrality
Kawasaki Hydrogen Aircraft Core Technology Development Project Selected for NEDO Green Innovation Fund Support
Implementation of a Japan-Australia Project Feasibility Study for the Creation of a Large-Scale Green Liquefied Hydrogen Supply Chain - Six Japanese and Australian companies sign a memorandum of understanding -
Kobe/Kansai Hydrogen Utilization Council Report-Organizing a Future Vision for a Hydrogen Society and Quantifying Supply and Demand-
Industry partners to jointly explore the development of a liquefied hydrogen supply infrastructure for Keppel’s data centres in Singapore
Kawasaki Develops Cargo Containment System for Large Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier with World's Highest Carrying Capacity—AiP Obtained from ClassNK
Japanese Manufacturers Cooperate on Development of Hydrogen Fueled Marine Engines
Major Milestone for Victoria’s World-First Hydrogen Project
Kawasaki Technical Review No.182(Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain) has issued
Kawasaki Completes Basic Design for World's Largest Class (11,200-cubic-meter) Spherical Liquefied Hydrogen Storage Tank
Kawasaki Completes World's First Liquefied Hydrogen Receiving Terminal Kobe LH2 Terminal (Hy touch Kobe)
World's First Successful Technology Verification of 100% Hydrogen-fueled Gas Turbine Operation with Dry Low NOx Combustion Technology
Kawasaki Commences Sales of Hydrogen Liquefier
Kawasaki Completes Installation of Liquefied Hydrogen Storage Tank for Marine Transport Applications on World's First Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier
World's First Liquefied Hydrogen Carrier SUISO FRONTIER Launches
The Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain Project starts construction of Hydrogen Liquefaction and Loading Terminal
World’s First Loading Arm for Ship-to-Shore Transfer of Liquefied Hydrogen Developed
World's First Heat and Electricity Supplied in an Urban Area Using 100% Hydrogen

Hydrogen: The Ultimate Energy
Clean and Powerful

Hydrogen, a clean energy that does not emit CO2 when utilization, is derivable from numerous sources. Preparations of the infrastructure to utilize hydrogen as a source of energy are starting globally.

“Production”, “Transportation/Storage”, and “Utilization” of hydrogen.
Kawasaki has technologies highly compatible with each of these processes. Kawasaki technology will link hydrogen production sites to energy consumers, and in so doing give birth to the Hydrogen Road.

“Production”, “Transportation/Storage”, and “Utilization”

Hydrogen Road


Hydrogen Production

Production from Renewable Energy

Mother Nature cannot be controlled by humans.
As power generation using renewable energy becomes widespread, the stability of the power supply becomes an issue.
If excess power is stored in the form of hydrogen, it can be used whenever needed by those who need it.

Production from Renewable Energy Production from Renewable Energy
Hydrogen Transportation & Storage

Transportation & Storage

Liquefied Hydrogen: The Key to Large-Volume Transportation

Kawasaki’s cryogenic technology makes large-volume transportation of hydrogen possible.

When cryogenically cooled to -253°C, hydrogen changes its phase from a gaseous state (GH2) to a liquid state (LH2), shrinking to 1/800 of its original volume. At its reduced volume, storage and transportation efficiency increases dramatically, enabling a much greater distribution of hydrogen.
Transportation of hydrogen in liquefied form is one of the highest efficient methods.
This technology is already commercially used.
Kawasaki’s many years of experience of providing liquefied natural gas (LNG: at -162℃) carriers, storage tanks and receiving terminals, and cryogenic liquefied hydrogen storage tanks is utilized in this area.
Kawasaki already possesses the key for the state-of-the-art technologies of the mass transportation of hydrogen for the foundation of a hydrogen energy society.

Realizing -253°C: Cryogenic Temperature

Developed Japan’s first industrial-scale hydrogen liquefaction system with Kawasaki’s proprietary technology.

The developed hydrogen liquefaction system is installed in the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Center at the Harima Works, and has the capacity to liquefy approximately 5 tonnes of hydrogen per day.
This system is built upon Kawasaki’s technology of handling cryogenic materials and the turbine technology we have cultivated in the development of high rotational speed machinery.

ANSWERS Kawasaki’s Hydrogen Liquefaction System

Marine transport

Japan’s first LNG carrier was built by Kawasaki.
Kawasaki will introduce the world’s first liquefied hydrogen carrier.

To make utilization of hydrogen as a viable next-generation energy, technology is required to transport large quantities of hydrogen efficiently and safely. Kawasaki built Japan’s first LNG carrier in 1981. Since then Kawasaki has been a leader in cryogenic technology for maritime transportation. We are the rare player who can combine the shipbuilding and liquefied hydrogen cryogenic technologies.

LNG carrier

-162°C LNG carrier: 40-year Kawasaki pride.

LNG carrier
Pilot liquefied hydrogen carrier
Pilot liquefied hydrogen carrier
Pilot liquefied hydrogen carrier "SUISO FRONTIER"

In the more than forty years since we built Japan's first LNG carrier, Kawasaki has developed and built the Suiso Frontier, the world's first liquefied hydrogen carrier. Utilizing our technology for LNG carriers and the overland transportation and storage of liquefied hydrogen, we designed and built it based on safety requirements approved as interim recommendations by the International Marine Organization (IMO).
Because the liquefied hydrogen is cooled to nearly 100°C lower than LNG, it can be easily gasified. After passing various technology demonstration tests, we conducted tests to prove our technology for the long-distance transport of liquefied hydrogen produced in Australia to Japan, culminating in a successful maiden voyage from Australia to Japan in 2022.

Large-scale liquefied hydrogen carrier

Should a society where hydrogen is widely used be realized, it will be necessary to carry large quantities of low-cost hydrogen produced overseas to Japan. Hydrogen, the ultimate clean energy. When hydrogen becomes an energy source as common as coal, oil and natural gas, Kawasaki-developed large-scale liquefied hydrogen carriers will support its distribution.

Land transport

Liquefied hydrogen containers
Liquefied hydrogen containers

Liquefied hydrogen containers to enable land transportation of liquefied hydrogen

As demand for hydrogen energy increases, land transportation will be required to bring large quantities of liquefied hydrogen to consuming sites. The insulation technology we developed for our LNG storage tanks enables transportation of liquefied hydrogen at -253°C.

Compressed gaseous hydrogen trailer with composite cylinders
Compressed gaseous hydrogen trailer with composite cylinders

Compressed gaseous hydrogen trailers to meet various transportation needs

With fuel cell vehicles to enter the market, preparation of hydrogen filling stations is already underway. Kawasaki has developed Japan’s first compressed hydrogen trailer with composite cylinders, which will enable hydrogen to be transported from domestic hydrogen production facilities to offsite hydrogen stations, be stored there in the trailer itself, and be supplied to fuel cell vehicles.


Kawasaki Technology:
Built on more than 30 years of working with rocket fuel

Through the development of the liquefied hydrogen storage tanks at JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)’s Tanegashima Space Center rocket launch facilities, as well as liquefied hydrogen containers for land transportation, Kawasaki has cultivated technology to transport and store -253°C cryogenic liquefied hydrogen safely. Kawasaki technology, based on a long, successful history of dealing with hydrogen, will be instrumental in building the hydrogen energy network.

Liquefied hydrogen storage tanks
Liquefied hydrogen storage tanks

Largest Japanese domestic liquefied hydrogen storage tank, equipped with advanced insulation technology for minimising boil-off gas

In a liquefied hydrogen storage tank, heat from the sun and other external factors cause the stored liquid to evaporate. This is known as boil-off gas, and technology to minimise its formation is essential for long-term storage of liquefied hydrogen. To maintain the -253°C conditions needed for storing liquefied hydrogen, Kawasaki developed even more advanced thermal insulating technology than used in our LNG storage tanks to keep boil-off gas formation to the absolute minimum. For 30 years, our high-performance liquefied hydrogen storage tanks have supported the endeavours of the JAXA Tanegashima Space Center – a testament to the deep trust placed in Kawasaki technology.

ANSWERS Liquid Hydrogen Storage Tank
Kobe Liquefied Hydrogen Receiving Terminal "Hy touch Kobe"

On Kobe Airport Island in Hyogo Prefecture, Kawasaki has constructed and is conducting technological demonstration tests at a receiving terminal equipped with a loading arm that can transfer -253°C liquified hydrogen as is, liquified hydrogen storage tanks and other facilities.
In this way, we are moving toward the creation of the world's first international hydrogen energy supply chain.

Hydrogen Utilization

Hydrogen Utilization

Future Society with Widespread
Hydrogen Energy Utilization in Sight

When widespread utilization of hydrogen energy starts, society will change a great deal. Fuel cell vehicles that run without emitting CO2 will become commonplace, and everything from mobility to electricity generation will be efficiently powered by clean hydrogen. Hydrogen will contribute to greater energy efficiency while helping to realise an environmentally friendly society. This dream energy will help create a sustainable future.

Hydrogen technology for gas turbines

One of the most effective utilization of hydrogen energy is the hydrogen gas turbine power generation.
Kawasaki has developed a proprietary technology of combustion using only hydrogen or natural gas as well as any mixture of them. The newly developed combustion technology enables the existing natural gas turbine to be utilized without modification to its main body, and the whole turbine system to be capable of adapting to the hydrogen's unique combustion property.
In the spring of 2018, the demonstration was successfully completed by supplying four neighboring public facilities with heat and power simultaneously using a gas turbine power generation system in an urban area fueled by hydrogen alone. It was the world's first.

Smart Community Technology Development Project Utilizing Hydrogen Cogeneration Systems
Kobe Port Island

This demonstration project utilizes a co-generation system(CGS*1) with hydrogen gas turbines.
On a former site of Minatojima Clean Center we constructed a co-generation system with a 1 MW-gas turbine fueled by hydrogen and natural gas.

This was conducted as a Project Subsidized to Industrial Technology Development Expense under a Specific Theme by NEDO*2 (FY 2015 to 2018) in cooperation with Obayashi Corporation, the City of Kobe, and major corporations in the Kansai area. This is the first attempt in the world to supply heat and power generated from hydrogen to an urban area.

  • *1 CGS
    CGS is a collective name for systems that supply heat and power.
  • *2 NEDO
    National Research and Development Agency,
    New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization
  • NEDO

Wet Type Combustor
Hydrogen and Natural Gas Fueled Burner

How Kawasaki combine conflicting factors?

A difference between a conventional gas turbine and a hydrogen gas turbine lies in the combustor.
Instead of designing it only for hydrogen, Kawasaki devised a technology so that natural gas, hydrogen, or mixture of them can be used as its fuel flexibly.
However, it is required a technology to resolve conflicting factors such as stable combustion and reducing NOx emission at the same time.

Hydrogen is almost a part of our society.

This demonstration project generates heat and power from hydrogen and supplies them to public facilities nearby.
This is the first project of this kind in the world in an urban area.
Hydrogen is almost a part of our society.

Dry Low Emission NOx Hydrogen-Fueled Combustion Technology


Advancement of Hydrogen Technologies and Utilization Project

Seven times faster flame velocity and
higher temperature combustion
that yields new technology

Not only does hydrogen combust seven times faster than natural gas, it also characteristically burns at higher temperatures. Technically speaking, there are many issues that must be overcome such as fuel nozzle damage, unstable combustion and an increase of air-polluting NOx. Superior technical prowess is required in the development of combustors that can handle these traits of hydrogen.

For example, we have devised a fuel nozzle suitable to the properties of hydrogen combustion. While technology exists that injects water to cool and stop the generation of NOx the hotter the nozzle gets, the inserted water lowers fuel efficiency. Thus, we devised a new method to tackle this – dry low emission NOx combustion technology.

In 2020, Kawasaki successfully demonstrated a dry-type combustor than runs on 100% hydrogen fuel. Since then, while adding the further improvement of a micro-mix burner combined with Kawasaki’s unique after-burn technology, we have been successful in reducing NOx emissions to half of the level required by Japan’s air pollution regulations.

Since our dry low emission NOx combustor is operatable using hydrogen mixed with natural gas, it also brings us much closer to the realization of a world that employs hydrogen energy.

<Dry-type combustor>
This newly developed combustor employs micro-mix combustion which subdivides the hydrogen fuel and ejects it from tiny nozzles that measure less than one millimeter in diameter. Through further development of this technology, Kawasaki will work harder towards reduced NOx emissions and co-combustion with natural gas to improve the environment and realize user-friendliness.
