KICS :Kawasaki Integrated Control System

Kawasaki Integrated Control System (KICS)

KICS is an integrated control system for operating multiple vessel devices like controllable pitch propellers, azimuth thrusters, side thrusters, rudders, etc.

Utilizing Kawasaki's control technology expertise in the field aviation and beyond, KICS is a line of state-of-the-art control systems applied to ferries, RORO ships, working ships (supply boats, cable layers, offshore wind turbine installation vessels), fishing boats and more.

It integrates the control of multiple vessel devices via the simple operation of a joystick and heading control dial. KICS can be linked to different navigational devices, enabling operators to incorporate anything from a dynamic positioning (DP) designed to automatically maintain a vessel's position and heading to route tracking that navigates a vessel along a charted course.

On top of automatically setting the thrusts and the thrust directions to optimal levels for maximum vessel performance, it also saves energy.

Features and Product Lineup

KICS incorporates years of engineering experience and technological expertise in shipbuilding, propulsion and control systems. Optimal system engineering delivers optimal control of the entire vessel. Experienced in every facet of marine propulsion systems, Kawasaki draws from an extensive technological tool box to provide comprehensive support services for the entire system, including propulsors.

KICS-5002 / KICS-4002

  • Controlled entirely via a joystick and dials
  • Automatic heading control / maintains speed
  • Automatic posioning (compatible with DPS class 1, 2 and 3)
  • Automatic route tracking (KICS-5002 add-on feature)
  • ROV follow (KICS-5002 add-on feature)
  • Combinable with external control devices such as cable-laying equipment


  • Controlled entirely via a joystick and dials
  • Automatic heading control / maintains speed

Related services

CMS (Condition Monitoring System)

The CMS enables uploading of gathered ship data to Kawasaki’s cloud server for landside confirmation of the operation status of KICS, propellers and more.

KICS Operator Training Program Certification

Kawasaki has developed a dynamic positioning system (DPS) operator training program and received certification for it from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK). It is a KICS operator training program that entails classroom learning, land-based simulator training, and at-sea training aboard an actual vessel. Participants who complete the program receive a certificate signed by both ClassNK and Kawasaki.

Sample system configuration (KICS-5002)

Sample system configuration (KICS-5002)

Sample system configuration (KICS-5002)

KICS can pick up a range of ship motion data when incorporated with a gyrocompass, positioning system, vane anemometer, log, or other navigational devices. The system quickly calculates and automatically adjusts blade angles and revolution of multiple propulsors as well as the rudder angle to their optimal settings in light of wind, wave and other environmental conditions.

Sample system configuration (KICS-5002)


Self Propelled Multipurpose Vessel
Japan Meteorological Agency
Oceanographic and Meteorological
Observation Vessel



Service Locations

Main Office

Kobe Works
Marine Machinery Sales Dept.

1-1, Higashi-Kawasaki-cho
3-chome, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-
8670, Japan
Parts Sales Section
Tel: +81-78-682-5321/ Fax: +81-78-682-5549
E-mail :
Tokyo Head Office
Marine Machinery Sales Dept.

14-5, Kaigan 1-chome, Minatoku,
Tokyo 105-8315, Japan
Overseas Sales Section
Tel: +81-3-3435-2374/ Fax: +81-3-3435-2022
Parts Sales Section
Tel: +81-3-3435-2368/ Fax: +81-3-3435-2022

Regional Key Contact Point

The Netherlands
Kawasaki Heavy Industries
(Europe) B.V.
Tel:+31-20-6446869/ Fax:+31-20-6425725
Hong Kong, China
Kawasaki Heavy Industries
(H.K.) Ltd.
Tel:+852-2522-3560/ Fax:+852-2845-2905

Overseas Office

Kawasaki Heavy Industries
(Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Tel:+65-6225-5133/ Fax:+65-6224-9029
Beijing, China
Beijing Office
Tel:+86-10-6505-1350 / Fax:+86-10-6505-1351
Shanghai, China
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
Tel:+86-21-3366-3100 / Fax:+86-21-3366-3108
Taipei, Taiwan
Taipei Office
Tel:+886-2-2322-1752 / Fax:+886-2-2322-5009
Delhi, India
Delhi Office
Tel:+91-11-4358-3531 / Fax:+91-11-4358-3532
Moscow, Russia
Moscow Office
Tel:+7-495-258-2115 / Fax:+7-495-258-2116
Dubai, UAE
Kawasaki Heavy Industries Middle East FZE
Tel:+971-4-214-6730 / Fax:+971-4-214-6729
New York, USA
Kawasaki Heavy Industries(USA), Inc.
Tel:+1-917-475-1195 / Fax:+1-917-475-1392
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kawasaki Machinery do Brasil
Maquinas e Equipamentos Ltda.
(Rio de Janeiro Office)
Tel:+55-21-2226-3938 / Fax:+55-21-2225-3613
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Kawasaki Machinery do Brasil
Maquinas e Equipamentos Ltda.
Tel:+55-11-3266-3318 / Fax:+55-11-3289-2788


If you need more information about our business,
please feel free to contact us.
Tel. +81-3-3435-2374