Hovering Stage (Sapporo Dome)

Kawasaki delivered Hovering Stage (Movable Soccer Field) and Movable Seats for Sapporo Dome in 2002 when FIFA world cup Korea-Japan was held.
Sapporo Dome is now used as multi-purpose all-weather stadium for soccer game, baseball game, concert and exhibition etc. Hovering Stage contributes to the stadium’s unprecedented flexibility.
Hovering Stage is lifted by air pressure, which is sent to inside stage, moved and rotated by wheel. This air-lifted system reduces direct weight load to wheels.

Hovering Stage has several features.
- Compared with conventional system which bear all weight on wheels, this system simplifies its whole structure, reduces its weight and decrease the quantity of equipment required.
- Hovering Stage eliminates the need to install steel rails and gives more flexibility in architectural planning and system management for the stadium.
- When using natural-grass field, the stage is upheld with large steel beams standing directly on the ground. This ensures the strength and stability of the playing field required in soccer games.
- Due to rotatable design of the stage, location of VIP seats and player’s waiting rooms are easily converted usable for both of baseball and soccer games.
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please feel free to contact us.