Kawasaki's Approach to the SDGs
In 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a set of 17 goals that we should achieve by 2030 including eradication of poverty, inequality and unfairness and response to climate change. The SDGs are specific action plans which request businesses, governments and communities around the world to address the global agenda jointly in order to realize the prosperity of humankind and the earth. It is widely believed that the contribution by business enterprises to resolve of social issues through business activities is indispensable.
We believe the Kawasaki Group Mission—“Kawasaki, working as one for the good of the planet”—is extremely compatible with the SDGs. Furthermore, we believe that our efforts to provide solutions to social issues through our business activities will contribute significantly to the achievement of the SDGs.
In the process of identifying material issues the Kawasaki Group designated three ways of creating social and environmental value through its businesses as its greatest priorities over the long term.
These ways are the three focal fields on our Group Vision 2030: “a safe and secure remotely connected society,” “near-future mobility,” and “energy and environmental solutions.” The three fields are also positioned as a clear statement of our commitment to contribute to the SDGs through our business. Additionally, the management identified SDGs that the Group should contribute to and set non-financial targets to reach by 2030. We will periodically disclose its progress toward these targets while working to maximize social and environmental value, achieve sustainable growth, and contribute to the realization of the SDGs.
Kawasaki Group’s Approach to the SDGs
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