The Three-Year Environmental Management Activities Plan 2022 (FY2022–2024)
Policy for Initiatives
Based on the environmental policy laid out in the Group Environmental Charter,1 the Group Mission,2 the Group Vision 2030,3 and assessments of the Three-Year 10th Environmental Management Activities Plan (FY2019–2021),4 the Kawasaki Group has established key strategies to help meet society’s needs, realize both environmental conservation and business growth, and achieve the Kawasaki Global Environmental Vision 2050 goals of “CO2 FREE,” “Waste FREE,” and “Harm FREE.”
To realize a decarbonized society (CO2 FREE), we have drafted in-house energy measures in accordance with Japan’s energy policy and so on, and our aim is to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030.
In addition, to realize a recycling-oriented society (Waste FREE) and a society coexisting with nature (Harm FREE), we will raise the level of management of the entire Group, work to further reduce environmental risk, and restore natural environments damaged by the construction of our plants.
At the same time, to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we will work mainly through the environmental and energy businesses to solve social issues from a long-term perspective.
1 Please refer to “Environmental Charter.”
3 Please refer to the Group Vision 2030.
The Three-Year Environmental Management Activities Plan 2022 (key strategies)
(1) CO2 FREE |
Targets of the Environmental Plan 2022 Reduce the CO2 emissions by 15,000 t in the three years from 2022 to 2024 (total for Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Motors, and Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing) |
Realization of a decarbonized society |
In-house CO2 reduction (a) Expanded introduction of decarbonized energy
External CO2 reduction (a) Reduction of CO2 emissions in entire supply chain
Regarding representative suppliers generating procurement-related CO2 emissions, we will consider engagement relating to green procurement, etc. and commence specific discussions. Downstream supply chain We will expand the scope of application of the Kawasaki Ecological Frontiers certification system (formerly the Kawasaki-brand Green Products system) for environmentally conscious products to the entire Group and enhance the effect of reducing CO2 emissions through product contributions. |
(2) Waste FREE | Targets of the Environmental Plan 2022 Maintain ratio of direct-to-landfill waste to total waste generation at less than 1% (total for Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Motors, and Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing) |
Realization of a recycling-oriented society |
(a) Confirmation of water resource risks
(3) Harm FREE | Targets of the Environmental Plan 2022 Reduce environmental risk while operating factories with respect for biodiversity |
Realization of a society coexisting with nature |
(a) Management of chemical substances
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