Communication with Shareholders and Investors (FY 2022)

Kawasaki actively discloses information to shareholders and investors and promotes constructive dialogue General Meetings of Shareholders, Conferences on Financial Results and individual meetings.
The feedback received from the shareholders and investors through these dialogue is reported to the Board of Directors as well as the management of the Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer (hereinafter referred to as the “President ”) and below, and reflected in the improvement of corporate management including IR activities.

Dialogue system

Dialogue with shareholders and investors are shared among the President and the Representative Director, Senior Corporate Executive Officer (hereinafter referred to as "Senior Corporate Executive Officer". Assistant to the President, in charge of Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, Corporate Communication, etc.).
Under the responsibility of the Executive Officer in charge of the Corporate Communication Group, the Investor Relations Department of the Corporate Communication Group takes the lead in implementing specific measures, discussing and collaborating with the Corporate Planning Department, the Sustainability Department, and related business divisions as necessary.
At the individual meetings, Kawasaki classifies the communication person into three level in accordance with internal regulations (Number of shares held, investment attributes, etc.), namely : President, Senior Corporate Executive Officer, and Senior Manager, Investor Relations Department (or Manager, Investor Relations Section ).
In terms of information disclosure and dialogue, we strictly comply with the disclosure policy and limit the timing of meetings from the viewpoint of fair disclosure and insider trading prevention.

Results of Dialogue (FY 2022)

Actual results Target main explainer Summary
General Meeting of Shareholders Once Shareholders President, Directors, Member of the Board,Executive Officers Medium- to long-term management policies, in addition to matters determined by law etc.
Group Vision 2030・Progress Report
Once Institutional investors and securities analysts
A member of the press
President,Executive Officers Executive Officer in charge of the content explains the progress of the future strategy.
Conferences on Financial Results 4 times Institutional investors and securities analysts
A member of the press
President and Senior Corporate Executive Officer In the fiscal year, the president explained the results and full-year outlook. In other quarterly financial results, the Senior Corporate Executive Officer explained the results of financial results.
Small meeting Once Institutional investors and securities analysts President
Individual meetings 242 cases Institutional investors and securities analysts Senior Manager, Investor Relations Department, etc. Include theme-specific dialogue
Business briefing/
factory tour
5 cases Institutional investors and securities analysts Senior Manager, Investor Relations Department, Head of related departments Conducted at factories and offices, focusing on specific projects and themes
Sponsored by securities companies Conference 6 times Institutional investor Senior Corporate Executive Officer Meet with multiple institutional investors at a single conference
Individual meetings (SR) 15 cases Shareholders (Persons in Charge of Exercising Voting Rights of Institutional Investors, etc.) Senior Manager, Investor Relations Department, Head of related departments Dialogue centered on ESG (environment, society and governance) as part of Shareholder Relations (SR) and in response to the Stewardship Code of Conduct for institutional investors.
Other Events Once Shareholders (Individuals) Senior Manager, Investor Relations Department Kawasaki World (Corporate Museum) online tour mainly for individual shareholders

Main themes of the dialogue

When Kawasaki communicates with shareholders and investors, we select themes that are topics of high interest to them , focusing on the priority areas and policies outlined in Group Vision 2030.

Management strategy
  • Progress of new business including products and services related to the three focus fields
  • Medium- to long-term growth scenarios by segment
  • Portfolio reform and organizational reform
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Individual business
  • Hydrogen supply chain
  • Short-term performance
  • Medium- to long-term performance image
Shareholder returns and stock prices
  • Shareholder return policy
  • Carbon-neutral strategy
  • TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) Scenario Analysis
  • Business and Human Rights
  • Promotion of active participation in human resources

Feedback to management

Investor Relations Department provide timely and appropriate feedback to the management by submitting suggestions obtained through dialogue to the Board of Directors as IR activity reports on a regular basis (3~4 times a year).

Number of times Contents
IR Activity Report 3~4 times/year Investor Relations Department has reported the following to the Board of Directors as below:
  • IR Activities and Future Plans
  • Analysis of stock price trends
  • Verification of market valuation (comparison of valuation indicators with each company, etc.)
  • Trends in analysts' ratings and target price
  • Introduction to Analyst Report Comments
  • Analyst earnings forecast
  • Valuation from shareholders and investors
Regular monthly report to the president 1 time/month Investor Relations Department attends to meetings attended by the President and other senior management members. The Department has reported on important IR issues there and if necessary, express the Department's views on other proposals for discussion.
IR Weekly Report 1 time/week Investor Relations Department has reported on Analyzes market conditions and IR activities to the President, Senior Corporate Executive Officers, and other management on a weekly basis
Other - Investor Relations Department has reported on the shareholder structure and the shareholding trends of institutional investors, etc. in a timely manner as necessary.

Results from dialogue with shareholders and investors

Kawasaki has planed highly accurate earnings forecasts and effective medium- to long-term strategies by feeding back the insights and discussions gained through dialogue into the management plan of the company and incorporating them as necessary,.
In addition, in order to be more beneficial to both the shareholders and investors and Kawasaki, Kawasaki is continuously improving the presentation of financial results explanatory materials and upgrading KPIs*.

* Example: Change KPI from ROIC before tax to ROIC after tax

Other shareholders and investors Assessments

Kawasaki also works actively on related to sustainability and has been adopted in a number of ESG stock index components, including the DJSI (Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index).


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