KPIs and Results for Materiality “The Foundation of Our Business Activities”
- Energy and Environmental Solutions (Value Chain)
- Promotion of Human Resources Activities
- Occupational Safety and Health
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Business and Human Rights
- Product Liability/Safety
- Technological Development/Digital Transformation (DX)
- Information Security
- Compliance
Energy and Environmental Solutions (Value Chain)
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- Implement, to the maximum extent, feasible measures concerning Scope 3, to steadily work toward the milestone of becoming Zero-Carbon Ready by 2040.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results | Fiscal 2023 results |
Scope 3 (category (i)) | 2,791,420 t-CO2*1 | 3,829,334 t-CO2*1 |
Scope 3 (category (xi)) | 28,937,027 t-CO2*2 | 32,650,318 t-CO2*2 | |
Initiatives to reduce category (i) of Scope 3 | Preemptively implemented an emission survey for major suppliers | Confirmed the status of carbon neutral initiatives with key suppliers |
*1 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors
*2 The Kawasaki Group
Promotion of Human Resources Activities
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- Strengthen and effectively use human capital (efficient allocation and human resource development) to achieve Group Vision 2030.
- Enhance employee engagement and build a company culture in which employees can continue to work with enthusiasm.
- Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) to build an organization in which a wide array of employees can maximize their individuality and potential.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results | Fiscal 2023 results |
Ratio of employees for whom both “supportive environment” and “employee engagement” are high (employee engagement survey results) | 28%*1 | 29%*2 |
Proportion of women in managerial positions | 2.1%*3 *4 | 2.7%*5 | |
Rate at which women, foreign nationals, and individuals with mid-career hires are promoted to senior manager or above | 7%*3 | 8%*3 | |
Wage differences between male and female employees | 66.3%*6 | 62.0%*5 | |
Rate at which male employees take childcare leave | 17.9%*3 | 25.0%*3 |
*1 Kawasaki and some domestic consolidated subsidiaries (eight companies total)
*2 Kawasaki and some domestic consolidated subsidiaries (19 companies total)
*3 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors
*4 As of April 1, 2023
*5 The Kawasaki Group (domestic)
*6 Kawasaki Heavy Industries (non-consolidated)
Occupational Safety and Health
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- Ensure that there are no serious occupational accidents Group-wide.
- Reduce the need for sick leave.
- Maintain and improve employee health.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results*1 | Fiscal 2023 results*1 |
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) | 0.30*3 | 0.23*3 |
Health score*2 | 3.93*3 | 3.91*3 |
*1 Calendar year basis
*2 Kawasaki's internally generated index based on a scoring of six lifestyle habits that affect labor productivity, derived from the results of health checkups. A higher score (with a maximum of 6) reflects a healthier lifestyle.
*3 Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Kawasaki Railcar Manufacturing, Kawasaki Motors
Sustainable Supply Chain Management
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- Remain aware of environmental, human rights, and other risks associated with the entire supply chain and work with suppliers to promote sustainability.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results | Fiscal 2023 results |
Number of major suppliers responding to our sustainable procurement survey | Completion of selection of suppliers (535 companies) targeted for survey in fiscal 2023 | Responses from 533 companies of the total of 685 (77.8% response rate) |
Implementation status of human rights due diligence | Publication of Sustainable Procurement Guidelines | Identification of 12 supplier companies as targets for improvements based on the results of the sustainable procurement survey | |
Number of reports from our supplier hotline | Completion of installation of the hotline | 7 reports |
Business and Human Rights
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- No violations of human rights throughout the value chain and no complicity in human rights violations.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results | Fiscal 2023 results |
Number of human rights audits conducted and revised at subsidiaries | Implemented SAQ* targeting six overseas subsidiaries | Implemented SAQ* targeting four overseas subsidiaries (manufacturing sites in developed countries) |
Number of subsidiaries confirming prohibition of child labor and forced labor (implementation at subsidiaries where the company president has changed) | 26 companies | 23 companies | |
Number of participants in human rights training | Release of educational videos on business and human rights on the company-internal portal (total number of video views in the three months following the release: 3,429 times) | Participants: 10,336 (Attendance rate: 84.7%) |
* Self-assessment questionnaire (self-assessment sheet)
Product Liability/Safety
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- Deliver trustworthy and safe products and services from the customer’s perspective based on consistent quality policies covering from top management to work-site operators.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results | Fiscal 2023 results |
Certification status of quality management system*2 | 73.1%*3 | 73.1%*3 |
Number of TQM training participants | Participants: 1,421 | Participants: 5,052 |
*1 TQM: Total Quality Management
*2 ISO 9001
*3 Total of domestic and overseas manufacturing sites
Technological Development/Digital Transformation (DX)
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- Deliver new products and new businesses to market which contribute to the resolution of global environmental and social challenges.
- Successfully acquire and utilize intellectual property rights linked with business strategies.
- Promote process innovation, increase sophistication of processes and integrate digital technologies throughout the value chain.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results | Fiscal 2023 results |
Number of products and cases of commercialization in three focal fields of Group Vision 2030 | 13 products and cases Commercialization of products including the self-propelled industrial robot, TRanbo-7, and of the three-wheeled electric vehicle, noslisu |
22 products and cases First delivery of the Successor-G® remotely-operated glider robot system, etc. |
Number of cases of major external collaborations*1 | 7 cases Projects aimed at the implementation in urban areas of leading-edge technology services such as 5G in Nishi-Shinjuku, projects demonstrating community vitalization using “Real D You,” and launch of the open-innovation hub for robotics development, the “Future-Lab HANEDA,” among other things. |
5 cases The establishment of the Microsoft AI Co-Innovation Lab in Kobe City, in-orbit technology demonstration of the Debris Removal Unprecedented Micro-Satellite (DRUMS), etc. |
Number of patents held*2 | Japan: 2,916 patents Overseas: 4,227 patents |
Japan: 3,049 patents Overseas: 4,511 patents |
R&D expenses | 50.7 billion yen | 53.3 billion yen |
*1 Number of cases disclosed in news releases
*2 Calendar year basis
Information Security
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- Maintain and manage cyberattack response and the protection of customer and product information with the world's highest level of security.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results | Fiscal 2023 results |
Number of employees taking information security training: 20,000 | 9,803 persons | 17,053 persons |
Frequency of targeted threat mail training: 20 times | 5 times | 21 times | |
Number of receivers of targeted threat mail training: 4,000 | 2,308 persons | 6,876 persons | |
Scores of 80 points or more for all domains owned by KHI from security risk rating | Percentage of domains exceeding target values: 84% | Percentage of domains exceeding target values: 74%* |
* Scores lower due to more stringent external assessment criteria
Goals of Group Vision 2030
- Monitor as accurately as possible the risks of comitting compliance violations.
- Build an inclusive and effective compliance system tailored to given risks, and continuously manage and regularly update this system.
Priority matters | Target indicators (or key performance indicators) |
Fiscal 2022 results | Fiscal 2023 results |
Number of cases of serious fraud or scandals per year | 0 cases | 0 cases |
Number of employees taking the Code of Conduct training | Code of Conduct / Compliance Guidebook e-learning training: 17,860 persons (73.3% of target) | Compliance documents read-through activities: 29,422 persons | |
Degree of compliance permeation in employee awareness surveys | 70 points | 71 points | |
Attendance rate for compliance training for overseas | 88.8% | Not implemented owing to external circumstances | |
Number of whistle-blowing system reports | Japan: 54 reports/Overseas: 0 reports | Japan: 76 reports/Overseas: 0 reports | |
Number of cases of compliance violations | 21 cases | 18 cases |
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please feel free to contact us.