Remote-controlled Robot Passes Driving Test
Dec. 19, 2002
In December 2002, Kawasaki, Tokyu Construction Co., Ltd. and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan’s largest public research organization, completed the world’s first successful demonstration of outdoor and all-weather operations of a commercial industrial vehicle by a remotely-controlled humanoid robot.
The HRP-1S robot was seated in the operator’s seat of a backhoe, and “drove” the vehicle while performing excavation duties. Dressed in special protective gear for rain and dust, the HRP-1S proved that it was capable of performing tasks even in inclement weather.
The test is an integral part of the Humanoid Robotics Project (HRP) implemented by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Kawasaki is responsible for developing remote control methods and systems, and other core technologies to control the robot’s movements.
Many attempts have been made to robotize industrial vehicles so that they can perform tasks in dangerous and harsh environments. By replacing human with robot operators that are controlled via remote control methods, this development will enable work to be done more quickly and safely in dangerous areas like construction sites or those hit by natural disasters.
The R&D team is currently working on development of wireless remote control and a robot capable of boarding the industrial vehicle independently. By conducting experiments simulating actual work conditions and evaluating the robot's work performance/productivity, Kawasaki will devise remote control technology for humanoid robots.