298,000 DWT Ore Carrier Shagang Faith Delivered
Jan. 10, 2013

Tokyo, January 10, 2013 — Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. today delivered the Shagang Faith ore carrier, with a capacity of 298,000 DWT (Kawasaki hull no. 1671, DACKS no. DE006), to Xing Long Maritime S.A. at Dalian COSCO KHI Ship Engineering Co., Ltd. (DACKS) in Dalian, China.
Features of the Shagang Faith
- This vessel is Kawasaki’s newly developed state-of-the-art large ore carrier.
- Each of the six cargo holds is equipped with a large, solid, single-panel hatch cover.
- The fuel oil tanks’ double-hull construction is engineered to prevent marine pollution.
- The vessel employs the Kawasaki rudder bulb system with fins (RBS-F) for maximum fuel economy.
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