- 1. When did you issue ADRs (American Depositary Receipts)?
- 2. Did you pay year-end dividends for fiscal year ended March 31,2024?
- 3. Do you plan to pay dividends for fiscal year ended March 31, 2025?
- 4. Do you plan to purchase the Company's own shares?
- 5. When will you announce financial results?
- 6. When did you hold an ordinary general meeting of shareholders?
- 7. Where can I learn about your Sustainability activities?
- 1. When did you issue ADRs (American Depositary Receipts)?
- We issued them in 1997.
ADR (American Depositary Receipts) information
- 2. Did you pay year-end dividends for fiscal year ended March 31,2024?
- We paid ¥20 per share for interim dividends and are going to pay ¥30 for year-end dividends for fiscal year ended March 31, 2024.
- 3. Do you plan to pay dividends for fiscal year ended March 31,2025?
- We will plan to pay a total ¥140 per share (¥70 for interim dividends and ¥70 for year-end dividends) for fiscal year ended March 31, 2025.
- 4. Do you plan to purchase the Company's own shares?
- We have amended the Articles of Incorporation at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 29, 2004 so that we are able to purchase the Company's own shares by a resolution of the Board of Directors.
When we make a decision to purchase the Company's own shares by a resolution of the Board of Directors, it will be disclosed immediately.
- 5. When will you announce financial results?
- Please see "IR Calendar".
- 6. When did you hold an ordinary general meeting of shareholders?
- Click here for more information.
- 7. Where can I learn about your Sustainability activities?
- Please see "Sustainability".
If you need more information about our business,
please feel free to contact us.