Steps for our IT systems

Safety Confirmation System

At 2:53 p.m., just seven minutes after the Great East Japan Earthquake struck, the group-wide emergency contact system automatically activated and sent out requests to employees at work and to residences in prefectures where the temblor registered on the seismic intensity scale 6 or higher to confirm the safety of employees and their families.

Safety Confirmation System

IT Systems

Even before the Great East Japan Earthquake, the KHI Group had a contingency plan for IT systems in place. The Group has two data centers, a primary facility and a remote facility, and both are located more than 500km apart from each other to offset the effects of a widespread disaster. Each data center is equipped with back-up data storage for systems that handle important information related to customers and business activities and also operates communication systems, mainly for e-mail and websites, which ensure contact between members of the Group and their customers and business partners immediately after a disaster strikes. The contingency plan will continue to be fine-tuned with various scenarios in mind.


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