Environmental Management Platform

Kawasaki appoints a chief environmental officer (director responsible for environmental management), who coordinates corporate environmental management activities and assumes full responsibility and authority for environment-oriented issues, and maintains a corporate environmental management system. (Environmental Management System). Kawasaki establishes three-year environmental management activities plans alongside its medium-term business plans. Once a year, the Management Committee meets to evaluate progress toward the targets attributable to the previous year’s activities, consider where to seek improvement, and establish a plan for the current fiscal year (Internal Management System). To implement this plan, specific approaches and methods are decided through the internal management system, including the Corporate Environment Committee, which is chaired by the chief environmental officer, and the environment management committees of the internal companies.
Similarly, we have established an energy management system for energy-related measures (Energy Management System). In accordance with Japan’s Energy Saving Law, the Chief Environmental Officer assumes the position of energy management officer, and the Corporate Energy Management Committee meets at least once a year and vigorously promotes energy-saving activities in line with the Company’s business scale.
Kawasaki has been working to build and maintain an effective environmental management system since 1994, and an energy management system since 2010. With sights set on achieving our future vision, we will consistently refine our approaches to realize improvements.

Environmental Management System

Internal Management System

Energy Management System


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