Basic Stance of Human Resources

Basic Stance

The Kawasaki Group considers its employees to be the most valuable resource to fulfill the Group Mission and achieve its business targets. In an effort to improve enterprise value in a sustainable manner by implementing the mission statement, it is very important for each and every one of the approximately 35,000 human resources who are active around the world, regardless of nationality, gender, age, religion and any disabilities, to understand and share the Group Mission and Kawasaki Value, and to diligently attend to daily business based on the Kawasaki Group Code of Conduct. In particular, for us to “constantly achieve new heights in technology,” as set forth in the Kawasaki Value, the development of human resources from a long-term perspective is essential.
Accordingly, the Group’s stance is that “the Kawasaki Group’s corporate culture is built on integrity, vitality, organizational strength and mutual respect for people through all levels of the Group. We nurture a global team for a global era,” as set forth in the Kawasaki Group Management Principles. With an aim of commitment to the principles of “human respect” and “health first” while achieving this stance, we focus on establishing workplaces that allow our human resources to work securely, safely, and enthusiastically with a sense of pride, and on developing human resources that contribute to the achievement of our business strategy and the future of the global environment.

Focus Policy

To further enhance globalized operations and expand to solution-type business, it is necessary to promote development of human resources capable of taking an active part on a global stage and those with a high level of knowledge in project management and a wide range of experience.
In the Mid-Plan 2016, the Group is working on building of the foundations of such human resources and the environment to accept diverse human resources.
In addition, to improve profitability and realize its growth strategy for increased corporate value in the medium- to long-term, it is required that employees fully exercise their abilities and increase productivity. Toward these goals, we are also going to devote our efforts to activities to reform the way administrative and technical personnel work.


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